Saturday, December 25, 2010

Woke up by my mum at 8am to go fro breakfast at Bishan. Frigging shag now -.- My hamham is injured laaaaa ); T____T  I'm frigging emo now, no mood to blog any further.

Stand there and watch me burn.
It's Christmas today but yet I'm rotting at home. Ass! Anyway, stay blessed Wifey. I love you. Merry Christmas to you too! ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010

Went clubbing at Zirca with Wifey last night. Shiok maximum! Enjoyed much. Met my primary school friends and new friends too. It's been very long since I last went clubbing. Thanks peeps :D Alrgiths, nothing to add, hitting th sack now. Goodnight peeps :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I want to stay with you wifey! ): I can'r stand this hosue anymore. It's driving me crazy! FML!

Monday, December 20, 2010

My life is seriously going upside down now. I no longer know what I'm doing. I just wanna fucking end everything! I hate everything about me! FML! If I could have one last wish, I'd pray to Lord to get him to take me away with him ):

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Very good! I'm being dumped, AGAIN! Very good seriously! (Y) Enough of all these really. Enough of all those craps! I don't want to continue getting hurt again. Till here it's enough. I'll face everything by myself now, thanks for teaching me how to forget him. Sorry for wasting your precious time. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for everything. Bye.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally met him up today. Nothing much to comment. Threw away the ring that contains so much memories. Everything's over! Don't ask if i'm sad or if I want to patch back with Reuel. I won't and I know very well that there won't be such chance. So.. I've accepted the hard fact.

Shannelle.T ♥

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter! Wake uppppp!!!!!!!!!!!! >< Don't pangseh me ley. I wanna cry already T_T You spell my name wrongly nah. It's Shannelle not Shanelle ):
Dearest girlfriend,

I seriously hope that you're getting better day by day. Don't worry, stay strong. I will always be here for you. *Hugs you* Promise that you'll share everything with me from now on. Don't keep everything to yourself. You're already suffering, don't make yourself suffer anymore. It hurts me badly. Recover soon alrights? As I said, no one is rushing you. Take your time~~~ Okay? ♥

I Love You ♥

Shannelle.T ♥

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Thanks BABE!

I need it seriously.
Those who want to know can go read my personal blog.

but girlfriend seriously.

screw him , and my parents.

Winter a.k.a Skye
Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend!!!

I got a very bad feeling that something is going to happen last night. Indeed! After Winter went out with Rykiel, things changed completely. My girlfriend don't even wanna talk to me now. Cry mad! );

Girlfriend, quickly come online. I'll sort things out for you okay? It's just a simple misunderstanding which can be solved easily. No worries. Rykiel still likes you! COME BACK!!!!!!!!

Girlfriend, I miss you ley ♥

Shannelle.T ♥
This blog is getting from bad to worse! Rot and rot like mad~~ Roar!

For your information guys, I've changed my name to Shannelle so please stop calling me Leah :D

My dearest girlfrriend Winter is finally in a relationship. Rykiel please treat her well otherwise i'll come running after you. Muhhahahahaa :D As for me, also in a relationship now. With Draeco. Hahaha. Blah. I don't know what I'm crapping about. But this is my blog! I can crap whatever I like. Hahahaha :D

Girlfriend, promise to be happy alrights? Let's work hard together! Loves! ♥

Alright at least I posted something, so I'm signing off now. Bye~~~ :D


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back again(:

Finally rebond my hair. Love it lah! My hair smells so nice now :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back from Malaysia

I was reading the post that Leah's has post. HAHAHAH! PAISEH UH! Lazy to post and was oversea :) ( I know! excuses) Well. I'm back and I didn't buy anything back because.....the bus didn't stop at the pit stops. :(


Friday, October 15, 2010

It's another Saturday =/

Well, I think I'm the only one who's updating this blog now huh? Winter!!!!!! Where are you man!? Our blog is gonna rot anytime. Save it! =/ Tired, sleepy ): No life uh! Saturday! I don't wanna be at home ):


No title

I really don't know what to post already. My life is like...... hell! Roarr! I need job! I need money for new bags, tops, bottoms, dress.. Eeyeer!!!! No money, no honey! How true huh! >.<


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Just had my dinner ): Still feeling hungry neh! Who wants to bring me for supper? ):


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back again!

Gosh! Sick again ): Flu, cough, fever. All sorts of symptoms la! Heck! Finally I''m done with my CSO! Shiok, shiok, shiok!!!!! Love it mannnnnnn.. Wheeeeeeee~~~~~~


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Job interview tomorrow

Should I be happy or sad? Going for job interview tomorrow with Vivian. Dam confused right now!!!!!! No mood for anything ):


Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm back again!

Wah! I finally know how to wash my own clothes! Muhahahhahahaha! :D Meeting PO tomorrow at 930am! Boringggggggggg :/


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Screw mad you, China dog!

I lost my fucking job because of you! China dog! You wanna step lian right!? Wanna mess with me right!? Go ahead. I'll see who will get the last laugh! Bitch! >.<


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fucked up!

Didn't get the chance to curf the net for the whole morning til now. What the hell is this?! No life, no freedom, no nothing! Fuck my life seriously! Urghh! Screw it!

Fuck up Cold

Damn it. My Cold~ GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it. Everything I do feel so fuck up.And I thought Leah's was kidnap by Alien T.T because she didn't reply my text msg for freaking 6 hours :(
But she reply me around 6pm. So she wasn't kidnap by alien (L) Anway because of my damn cold , everything I do feel sooooooo annoying. I hate it ! Please go away or maybe someone is cursing me! Stop cursing me or I will give you hell :)


Saturday, October 2, 2010

I will meet you up soon :D

Sorry Leah. But I will meet you up real soon : ) I gonna meet you up at your workplace this week right? Because I MISS YOU AS WELL ♡ . and I want to see how that stupid whore look like.


I miss my Girlfriend! );

Supposed to go swimming with Winter today but in the end it was cancelled ): Aww): Miss her to the max! Urgh! In the end I went town shopping with my friend. Didn't really buy anything but I'm contented(: Winter! Lets meet up soon alright? <3


I miss my Girlfriend! );

Friday, October 1, 2010

Boring leh!

Walao, work also bored at home also bored! Simi life lai eh?! Sot! Sot! Sot! Sibei sot! Urghh! Have to wake up early tomorrow even though I'm not working! >.< Sigh.. Never mind, tomorrow can go swimming with Winter after I'm done with my stuffs in the morning(: Yay! <3 See you tommorow Winter! That's all for today. Bye(:


Boo hee ha blah :D

Boo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blahBoo hee ha blah




Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bored, bored, bored!

Urghh, boring without anyone at home. No work somemore! Fuck my life! My dear Winter is still having her beauty sleep now, and i don't know what to do at home! Totally rotting now! Boss text me at 10plus when I'm prepared to leave house to go for work saying that I'm off today! Walao eh! So last minute can? Screw him mad! Moodless day for me. That's all. Bye!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pay, pay, pay! Pay die me sua!

I've been paying shortage of money in my company's cash drawer float since yesterday. Paid $3.10 yesterday then my colleague text me at 12:11am saying that I forgot to stop the cyber cafe meter and it's still running. Fuck la. Ended up I've to pay $15.40 today morning! Totally screwed up! Mad! Roarr!!!!!!!! I need money la! Give me some!!


I'm the queen , FUCK YOU!

I have nothing to do due to boredness.A conversation between two people :P

Ugly Person : Who do you think you are?
Pretty Person : *ignore*
Ugly Person : OI?!
Pretty Person : *continue to ignore*
Ugly Person : Do you think you're the queen?
Pretty Person : I'm the queen?
Ugly Person : Stop being a bitch will you?
Pretty Person : I'm the queen , so fuck you. - walk away-

FUNNY OR WHAT?! Don't get the joke? Scram off....
Joking :P
Got the idea of the convo with Leah


I hate being bored

I hate being bored and what's wrong with people these days? Damn it

- Winter's

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dam you! You really had me all screwed up!

There's this old man who owns a shop under my block. He's trying to matchmake me with his son who is a 30 year old nerd! And when I say 'nerd' I mean 'TOTAL NERD!' Well of couse I rejected him lah! Who will want a 30 year old nerd who dress like those guys in the 70's and 80's? Dress with flower top and high waist pants. Oh my gosh! Come on! You're not my type or rather you're NOT my cup of tea! Spread to the whole block that I'm staying at?! Please know your limit and stop spreading rumours about me and my family! Just shut your fucking big mouth up! You want to see me turn nasty? You want to drive me nuts and turn me all around? Sure! Go ahead! I welcome you to do so! Just don't blame me for trying anything funny to your family and your DAM PATHETIC SHOP! Screwed like mad! Urghh!!!!!!!

MatchMake Epic Failed !

There's this old man trying to match make with Leah's which is a total waste of time. Leah's reject it and guess what? That freaking old man spread rumours about Leah and her family.
Seriously , whoever will marry your son will be out of her mind . Come on , HE IS FUCKING 30 YEARS OLD! and Leah is only 18! ONLY 18!
For God's sake , what's is wrong with you old man? If I were Leah , I rather kill myself than marrying your pathetic lonely son.
If your son is so prince charming , why ain't he marry yet?
You want to know the reason why your son hasn't marry yet? IS BECAUSE HIS DRESS SENSE HAVEN'T MOVE ON FROM THE 80'S! and he doesn't even look above average.
And don't give me the " What's matter is the inside " bullshit. Let me ask you , who will fuck with a guy with a guy who is 20 years old older than you and who wear high waist pants? I rather shoot myself.
Old man , if you dare to let your son to touch my Leah's. YOU'RE DEAD MEAT.


My sweet 16th celebration

I will be celebrating my Sweet 16 at St James Power house and everyone is invited :D So if you're interested , please get your tickets from Angelica ( 84580214). We're gonna have a blast :D( for more information , please ask Angelica)
Date : 12 Oct
Ticket price : 25 bucks :D

What a day!

Roarr!! I hate my dumb-ness >< I went home from work forgetting about my keys! Heck! Made me spend so much on cab and go hungry! Argh! Screw it! Hate it lah! Gonna have my dinner now, bye!

A guy with a lot of epic-ness

I'm just helping my friend to promote his awesome blog :D

John Blog

Do check him out :) JOHN MUST PROMOTE THIS BLOG AND MY PERSONAL BLOG on your blog too :P It's our deal !

- Winter's

Leah's Blog

Leah has just create her own personal blog :) Link below :D

Leah's personal blog 

- Winter's

Joke Day!

Hahahahaha. I can't stop laughing man! Is it called 'Joke Day' today? Why are there so many jokes from friends? Sujena, Patricia, Winter all made me laugh like a mad girl >< But! isn't this what's life suppose to be? How I wish I can just laugh and smile non-stop like this everyday. Although it seems abit crazy but at least it's better than being down :/


Rain Rain Raining days

Skye: " Look , I been listening to rain rain songs"

Leah :
" Have you been listening to rain songs everyday?"

Skye : " YES!" *drooling while looking at Rain hot body*

Leah : " No wonder it has been raining these few days"



Monday, September 27, 2010

Tiring day :/

I'm damn tired today can? I was late for work for 25 minutes today. I wanted to buy mac for supper yesterday at 6 plus in the morning but ended up falling asleep. I woke up at 1030 in the morning! Intend to cab to work but I wanna save money so I took train instead. Reached work place at 1125 and I glued my eyes to that comp till I knock off. How cool eh? Winter is sleeping like a log now. She said she'll wake up at 9pm to chat with me ); Sigh never mind. Alright that's all for today, back to my facebook and twitter now. Byebye(:


Sunday, September 26, 2010

More of Leah's & Winter's

Winter's introduction  
Real Name : Skye Ong Su Jin
Japanese Name : Yukiko Miyazaki / Skye Miyazaki
Chinese Name : 宮斯凯 ( Gong Si Kai )
Nick Name : Winter
Age : 16 years old
Blood Type: O 
 Height : 163 cm
Weight : 50 Kg
Interest & Hobbies : Dancing , Shopping , Taking Photos , Hanging out with Leah , Making friends , Slacking to Facebook the whole day
Favorite Color :Pink
Favorite Season : Winter
Favorite Food : Japanese food , Indonesia food , Home-cooked , Fast Food , Korean Food

Personality : Confident , Childish at times , Friendly , Cheerful , Cold-hearted 
  Likes :  Elmo , Hello Kitty , Lip Gloss , High Heels , Glitters , Good Looking Gays , Fake Eyelashes , Skirts , Vodka , Money , Diamonds , Hot Guys , Pedicures .
Dislikes : Assholes ,  Guys that think with their dick , Guys with no confidence , Guys with no balls , Guys that suck up , Playboy , Old Man that smell bad . 
Something about you that no one knows :  I love games :)

Personal Blog 

More about Leah's

Real Name: Teo Xiang Yun
Nickname : Leah
Age : 18
Height : 160cm
Weight : 47kg
Hobbies : Shopping, Manicure and Pedicure, K-box, Movies, Surfing net, Chatting on the phone, Cam-whoring, Spending quality time with loved ones 
Favourite Colour : Red!
Favourite Food : Anything that's edible

Personality: Friendly, Mature,Nasty when provoked,Cold-hearted, Cheerful at times
Likes : Heels, Hot pants, Spaghetti Tops, Clubbing, Creating havoc, Singing, Fast Food, Ajisen Ramen, Girl Talk, Beer, Liquor
Dislikes : People who are relationships breaker , Being accused for no reason , People who act superior all the time.
Something more about me that you wish to know: I just survived a break-up. I know it's time for me to let go and I will. Don't worry friends, I'll stand up on my feet again

Twitter :
Msn :
Facebook :
Bio: Know me well before you open your mouth and judge me!

Today, I'm letting you go

Today will be the last time I'm crying for you. I've decided to move on. I've cried and think about alot of things recently. I know that I can't go on like this forever. I need to change. I know I won't hate you cause I promised you once and I won't. I know that one day you will come running back to me to say that you've regretted, but by then I may have already moved on. Enough of all those crying. I'm seriously mentally and physically tired. I've tried so hard to salvage this relationship but you just didn't give a damn about it, so what's the point of me trying so hard? All I can say is, I've did everything I can and everything that I need to. In the end, you still want to go your way. So be it, if that will make you happier, go ahead. I'm sorry that I've hurt you once. You've put me through so much that I'll never ever forget. I'm still not fully recovered yet but I know that one day I'll be standing in front of you telling you that I've gotten over you. Thanks for all the memories that you've left behind for me.

Reuel Ong Chuan Kiat (王传杰)

As a good friend of Leah , I'm proud of her :) Leah , always remember that I'm here for you. We will get through this together :P 

- Winter