Saturday, December 25, 2010

Woke up by my mum at 8am to go fro breakfast at Bishan. Frigging shag now -.- My hamham is injured laaaaa ); T____T  I'm frigging emo now, no mood to blog any further.

Stand there and watch me burn.
It's Christmas today but yet I'm rotting at home. Ass! Anyway, stay blessed Wifey. I love you. Merry Christmas to you too! ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010

Went clubbing at Zirca with Wifey last night. Shiok maximum! Enjoyed much. Met my primary school friends and new friends too. It's been very long since I last went clubbing. Thanks peeps :D Alrgiths, nothing to add, hitting th sack now. Goodnight peeps :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I want to stay with you wifey! ): I can'r stand this hosue anymore. It's driving me crazy! FML!

Monday, December 20, 2010

My life is seriously going upside down now. I no longer know what I'm doing. I just wanna fucking end everything! I hate everything about me! FML! If I could have one last wish, I'd pray to Lord to get him to take me away with him ):

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Very good! I'm being dumped, AGAIN! Very good seriously! (Y) Enough of all these really. Enough of all those craps! I don't want to continue getting hurt again. Till here it's enough. I'll face everything by myself now, thanks for teaching me how to forget him. Sorry for wasting your precious time. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for everything. Bye.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally met him up today. Nothing much to comment. Threw away the ring that contains so much memories. Everything's over! Don't ask if i'm sad or if I want to patch back with Reuel. I won't and I know very well that there won't be such chance. So.. I've accepted the hard fact.

Shannelle.T ♥

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter! Wake uppppp!!!!!!!!!!!! >< Don't pangseh me ley. I wanna cry already T_T You spell my name wrongly nah. It's Shannelle not Shanelle ):
Dearest girlfriend,

I seriously hope that you're getting better day by day. Don't worry, stay strong. I will always be here for you. *Hugs you* Promise that you'll share everything with me from now on. Don't keep everything to yourself. You're already suffering, don't make yourself suffer anymore. It hurts me badly. Recover soon alrights? As I said, no one is rushing you. Take your time~~~ Okay? ♥

I Love You ♥

Shannelle.T ♥

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Thanks BABE!

I need it seriously.
Those who want to know can go read my personal blog.

but girlfriend seriously.

screw him , and my parents.

Winter a.k.a Skye
Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend!!!

I got a very bad feeling that something is going to happen last night. Indeed! After Winter went out with Rykiel, things changed completely. My girlfriend don't even wanna talk to me now. Cry mad! );

Girlfriend, quickly come online. I'll sort things out for you okay? It's just a simple misunderstanding which can be solved easily. No worries. Rykiel still likes you! COME BACK!!!!!!!!

Girlfriend, I miss you ley ♥

Shannelle.T ♥
This blog is getting from bad to worse! Rot and rot like mad~~ Roar!

For your information guys, I've changed my name to Shannelle so please stop calling me Leah :D

My dearest girlfrriend Winter is finally in a relationship. Rykiel please treat her well otherwise i'll come running after you. Muhhahahahaa :D As for me, also in a relationship now. With Draeco. Hahaha. Blah. I don't know what I'm crapping about. But this is my blog! I can crap whatever I like. Hahahaha :D

Girlfriend, promise to be happy alrights? Let's work hard together! Loves! ♥

Alright at least I posted something, so I'm signing off now. Bye~~~ :D
