Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Separate Journey

Skye and I are officially separated. No longer friends. No longer the close sisters that you people knew. Everything has come to an end. Yea, everything.

Those promises, those pacts that we've made, went down the drain.

I knew her since 14 May 2010 which is also on my 18th birthday celebration. She was the girl whom I could confide in whenever I'm feeling low. She was the one who stood right by my side, picking every single little pieces of me whenever I breakdown. But from today onwards, there's not gonna be a person like this. I have to learn to live on my own, to stand up on my own feet from now on. I used to rely on people, but now, I've to start to learn to be independent. We once said that, we'll be successful in future. I'll stand by her all the way. Her dream is to be a singer, and once she has successfully be one, I'd be her personal assistant. But, that was all in the past. No more promises between us, no more pacts.

I've cried for days over this broken friendship of the both of us. I thought we were different from others. I thought we could withstand any pain & sufferring in life together as one until I realised that, "nothing will ever last" NOTHING. Even your best friend leaves. Nothing much to hold onto anymore. Time to abandon the past here. All those memories that we shared, will be washed away, completely.

I don't know what we will become of us in future. But, I'll live my life, & she'll live hers.
No more "happily ever after." Bidding goodbye to all those memories we once shared. Bye-bye :')

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ohmymamagod! This space has actually been neglected for months?!?!? GODDAMNIT!
SKYE ONG SU JIN! Why didn't you update anything?!??!?! Tsk! >:(

Okay, I have valid reasons for not updating okay!
I need to work! Skye Ong Su Jin has school, that I understand.
BUT! She always end school earlier than me! Ohgod! ._.

But anway, I haven't been meeting Skye Ong Su Jin for quite some time already,
so there's nothing much for me to update too hurhur? Hmm~~~~

You better meet me soon ah! HA! I miss die you la dey!

Okay! I shall stop crapping nonsense here.
Sign off? Byeeeeeeeeee~~~ Wooooooooolala~~~~~ ♥

♥; Shannelle.Txy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy CNY everyone. Sorry for neglecting this space as 'the both of us have been quite busy with our own work. Sorry~~

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Internet connection got confiscated by mum againm -,- Went out with Wifey and Alex to TPY library to accompany her to study for her 'O' levels. Hopefully she'll pass her exams and mock tests. Good luck Wifey. I'll stand by you always. ♥


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Woke up by my mum at 8am to go fro breakfast at Bishan. Frigging shag now -.- My hamham is injured laaaaa ); T____T  I'm frigging emo now, no mood to blog any further.

Stand there and watch me burn.
It's Christmas today but yet I'm rotting at home. Ass! Anyway, stay blessed Wifey. I love you. Merry Christmas to you too! ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010

Went clubbing at Zirca with Wifey last night. Shiok maximum! Enjoyed much. Met my primary school friends and new friends too. It's been very long since I last went clubbing. Thanks peeps :D Alrgiths, nothing to add, hitting th sack now. Goodnight peeps :D